Have we talked about our love for citrus? A lot. Have we talked about how fun pickling is? Definitely. Now combine those two and what you get are Preserved Lemons. They are a staple in our kitchen and a must in Middle Eastern cuisine. But we use them widely in stews, soups, sauces, dressings and more. Once you begin to use them, you won’t be able to stop - we promise!

lemons coarse sea salt bay leaves black peppercorns mason jar
Sterilize your mason jar(s). Cut the lemons into wedges and remove the seeds. Rub each piece of lemon with a generous amount of salt and put them into the jar, pressing them down as you go and adding layers of salt, bay leaves and some black peppercorns. Pour over lemon juice until the lemons are submerged and seal the jar. Store in a dark cool place for at least a month before using them. Shake the jar from time to time to ensure that the salt is evenly distributed. The lemons will change their colour and their flesh becomes tender.