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For us this is a special summer treat: Picking roses, making some syrup and enjoying this refreshing drink in the sun feels like a mini vacation to us.

Serves 4

1 cup white sugar 1 cup water 2 cups packed rose petals plus more for serving (use organic roses) 1 lemon sparkling water ice

Pluck the rose petals from the flower removing any wilted petals and insects. For the syrup combine sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil until the sugar is dissolving. Remove from heat. Add the rose petals and stir until all the petals are covered with syrup. Allow to cool completely. Meanwhile squeeze half a lemon, cut the other half into thin slices. Put some ice and the lemon juice in a carafe or pitcher. Top up with sparkling water. Pour half the cooled syrup through a sieve into the lemon water. Add more to taste. In each glass put some ice, one lemon slice and a few rose petals. Pour the lemonade into the glasses and serve immediately.

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